If you generate enthusiasm among your employees you’ll cure the uninspired, unfocused, unwilling employee syndrome. After all, leaders are only as good as the messages they deliver to their teams.
If you notice that your employees are not as motivated as you would like, or if your meetings are met with lackluster response, it could be a result of HOW you speak, not WHAT you are saying.
For example, how leaders speak about enthusiasm determines how employees react. But if you learn these Bold Speaking Quick Tips you can clean up the culture.
Do your employees seem:
- Unfocused on the job?
- Unwilling to take direction?
- Unable to finish tasks?
- Uninspired to initiate ideas?
Your team may feel the weight of:
- Staff cut backs
- Work overload
- Guidance void
- Little respect
You need to lay a sustainable framework for improvement. You won’t have to say the word – you will see it. Here are 5 E’s you need to master in order to inspire enthusiasm in the workplace.
ENGAGE with authenticity and believability.
ENCOURAGE without condoning current behavior. Dare to throw the lifeline.
EMPATHIZE to improve productivity.
EMPOWER yourself to give employees the room to Empower themselves.
ENERGIZE yourself to energize your team. Modeling the behavior you want is the fastest way to see a turn around.
Learn more about the benefits 5 E’s to Generate Enthusiasm on the Job