The Bold Speaker


Willie’s Law of Talk

Talk about your business!Ask all the people you know if they know anybody who could use your message, and talk to everybody about your speaking biz.

World famous speaker, Willie Jolley, says to talk to people everywhere you go, even in the grocery store about what you do and what you know! “Talk to anybody who will listen.”

After I heard his CD, with his “talk-it-up” admonition, I told some women at a New Year’s Eve party that I was now speaking and coaching on a more regular basis. I mentioned my company name: Fox Talks. That started a whole group conversation about what I do. I jokingly said, “I just talk, and I teach people to talk better”.

That led to the next question: How did you come up with the name?

My answer: I went to a high-priced brander to come up with a company plan and a brand. I came away with a plan, but not a good name. I did the usual. I whined about it to the hubby. He said, “Why don’t you just call it ‘Fox Talks’, because you sure as heck do!”

There, the company had a name. After the laughter subsided, one of the women, a partner in a large law firm, invited me to do a presentation for her associates – for a handsome fee!

The more I talk to people about my speaking business, the more speaking engagements and coaching clients I get. The more you talk about yours, the faster you’ll grow your business.

And I DON’T mean an elevator pitch. Throw those things out the nearest window!

Your spouse and kids may not appreciate this advice, but KEEP TALKING!!

Willie’s Law of Talk works!

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November 30th, 2016


Don’t Ever Use A Famous Person’s Often Told Story
#TalkTip: #Storytime: You Will Be Boring! Find Out What To Do To Keep Your Audience’s Eyeballs Wide Open…

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The Bold Speaker