Reinvention Mode: From an Old Shoe Repair Shop to TV Talk

LIVE IN REINVENTION MODE  How did a kid with shoe shop dirt under her fingernails, in a shoe polish splattered apron, long enough for her Uncle Jean, land on TV? I didn’t know the word “reinvention” when I was in the 3rd grade, but standing here looking back, I’d say I’ve LIVED in Reinvention Mode. No […]

BOLD CEO Speaking

“We speak like leaders. Now our people can follow.” Peter Hill, CEO, Billy Casper Golf You want to lead your team. You know your purpose. You wrote your mission statement. You want to make a difference in the world. You’ve called your team and investors together. You lay out your vision with lots of words, but who’s […]

Stop saying umm!

What happens if you can’t stop saying UMM while speaking? Researchers say that your audience thinks you are less intelligent than you really are, that you don’t know your material, and worst of all, that you didn’t prepare for the session. That’s a personal affront to an audience. So – what to do? SHUT YOUR […]

Tell stories (and more stories!)

If you don’t tell stories when you speak, it’s time to start. You need to tell your story so skillfully, in such a heartfelt way, that you make the feelings in the pit of your belly jump in the bellies of your audience members. It’s called a “Phenomenological Moment”.   Make them FEEL something. The story’s […]

November 30th, 2016


Don’t Ever Use A Famous Person’s Often Told Story
#TalkTip: #Storytime: You Will Be Boring! Find Out What To Do To Keep Your Audience’s Eyeballs Wide Open…

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The Bold Speaker